Pan African Visions
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A Bridge Building Role For The African Diaspora In Japan

January 13, 2025

By Ajong Mbapndah L

ADNJ was conceived out of David’s desire to create impact by connecting the continent of Africa and Japan

Created in 2019, the African Diaspora Network in Japan (ADNJ) is making great strides in forging another layer of stronger bonds between the Asian nation and Africa. Made up of some 300 organizations and more than 5000 individual members, the ADNJ has exceled in its mission of creating a sustainable intercultural bridge between Africa and Japan to promote mutual business partnerships. In a Q & A with PAV, Christian David Kpondehou, the ADNJ President says the ADNJ will continue to play a leadership role through a broad range of activities and initiatives to strengthen ties between Africa and Japan.

Could you introduce the African Diasporan Network in Japan, why it was conceived and its missions?

The African Diaspora Network in Japan is a network of the African community in Japan, including those of African descent that operate different associations with an aim to strengthen Japanese and African socio-economic development ties.
ADNJ was conceived out of David’s desire to create impact by connecting the continent of Africa and Japan, which was borne out of his own experiences in Japan.

ADNJ’s mission is to build a strong tie between Africans and African descendants in Japan and support the Japanese community by creating a sustainable intercultural bridge between Africa and Japan to promote mutual business partnerships.

When was the network created and how strong is its membership in terms of numbers, African nationalities and geographical spread?

ADNJ was created back in 2019 and has a membership of both individuals and organizations from Africa and Japan. As of today, ADNJ has over 300 organizations and more than 5000 individuals as members.

May we get insights into the ties that exists between the African diaspora and Japan, is the diaspora well integrated in the country, do they have access to opportunities?

Africa and Japan have maintained cooperative relations for decades. The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) highlights this long-standing relationship, marking 30 years since its inception and showcasing over three decades of collaboration between Africa and Japan.

The Osaka Africa Business Forum is now pivotal in the bridge building role of the ADNJ

During this period, Africans in Japan have integrated in various capacities, including those who initially came for higher education and chose to either remain in Japan or return to Africa. The African diaspora in Japan is organized through professional associations, student networks, and diplomatic missions, reflecting a strong sense of community and engagement.

What are some of the activities that are used by the Network to maintain its identity and market African culture and opportunities to Japanese?

As part of Africa Diaspora Network Japan's activities to foster Africa-Japan business relationships and youth employment opportunities, we organize every year Osaka Africa Business Forum in partnership with Higashi-Osaka City, the organization for Small & Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation of Japan, the Osaka Chamber of Commerce, Osaka Prefectural Government, Osaka EXPO Organization, JICA and JETRO, UNDP Japan, UNIDO, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, African Embassies in Japan and several sponsors…A summary of our past activities -
-Osaka Africa Business Forum 2022 - total of 227 participants and 110 companies:

Osaka Africa Business Forum 2023 Day1- total of 363 participants and 208 companies:

Osaka Africa Business Forum 2023 Day2 - total of over 1000 participants
We are currently working with the Japanese youth organization, Asia Africa Youth Nest (AAYN) on youth-led policy proposals to impact TICAD, youths in Africa, Japan, and youths around the World supported by UNDP Japan, and JICA (Summary video of the Youth Drive session during TICAD Ministerial Meeting in Tokyo in August 2024.

ADNJ partnered with other organizations to host a successful virtual briefing on TICAD9 and how young people can engage.

ADNJ upcoming initiative is PANAF (African Dining Room), at the World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan which will celebrate Africa and its Diaspora by showcasing their rich diversity, flavors, art, and vibrant cultures to a global audience of over 28 million expected attendees. (View PANAF’s proposal.

In addition, we organize Africa-Japan Business Tour – to showcase Japanese businesses to African businesses which promoted business to business (B2B) partnerships.

The network hosted a virtual forum recently on the integration of youth into TICAD 9, what was the outcome?

ADNJ partnered with other organizations to host a successful virtual briefing on TICAD9 and how young people can engage. This virtual briefing is part of a series of events that ADNJ will be hosting until August 2025, with the aim of developing an outcome policy proposal and action plan dubbed “Youth Agenda2055 – The Future We Want.”

From someone who lives in Japan, how will you sum up the importance of TICAD in fostering stronger ties between Japan and Africa?

I will use one word to describe the importance of TICAD to Africa and Japan. This word is ‘CO-CREATION.’ TICAD offers a very unique opportunity for Africa and Japan to come together and work in a collective and supportive manner to design, implement, and benefit from each other.

What kind of reaction or support have you received from African government and Institutions on the work of the Network?

As ADNJ, we have received immense support including technical, knowledge, partnership, and diplomatic including financial support. We continue to be grateful for the kind of support we get from Africa and Japan.

ADNJ calls for more support and outreach from both Africa and Japan

Can you shed light on some of the big projects that you will be working on for 2025?

We have several including:
• 2nd Africa – Japan TICAD9 Youth Drive, scheduled for February 23 – 25 in Adis Ababa, Ethiopia
• TICAD9 Youth Preconference in August 2023, dates are TBC
• PANAF – April 13 to October 13, 2025 in Japan.
• Osaka Business Forum in October 2025, during the Expo 2025

Any other proposals that he Network will like to make both to African countries and Japan that could help in strengthening bonds?

ADNJ calls for more support and outreach from both Africa and Japan. With PANAF' (African Danning Room) concept we are working on for Osaka EXPO 2025. We are looking for a sponsor and partners to bring this vision to life. The project goal is to showcase African cuisines and cultures per region including the African Diaspora during the 6 months of the Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan. We have secured a venue of 420 m2 for the project and the interior designer work is underway. The space is designed for around 200 seats with a VIP room, stage, and gift shop. Additionally, we plan to help the African country to organize their National Days event at our PANAF' venue.

We are changing the narrative and we are inviting you all to join us as partner or sponsor to celebrate Africa’s rich diversity, its flavors, art, and vibrant cultures to a global audience. And of course, we offer you a great opportunity to showcase your business and activities with us.
Together, let’s create a powerful platform to connect Africa with world!
Be part of PNAF’ story – bringing Africa to the World

*Culled From The January Issue of PAV Magazine

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