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ZEGU To Represent Zimbabwe At Premium US Moot Court.

March 26, 2024

By Wallace Mawire

THE Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU) will represent Zimbabwe and the African continent at the upcoming Phillips C. Jessup Moot Court Competition slated for Washington D.C, in the United States of America from the 28th March to 7th April 2024.

 A spokesperson for the University said that, ZEGU students have morphed into Moot Court Competition specialists in recent years having represented the country on various occasions, with the KK Luthra Memorial Moot Court in India and the Pax International Moot Court in Belgium, being the most recent ones.

  It has also been added that participation of ZEGU at the Phillips C. Jessup Moot Court goes a long way in showing the academic quality churned out by the institution.

ZEGU Vice-Chancellor Professor Innocent Chirisa and the University management led a befitting US send-off ceremony for the moot court team.

  ZEGU is a brain child of the founder and president of Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa Forward in Faith (ZAOGA F.I.F), the late Professor Ezekiel Guti, who is also the Chancellor for the University.

It is also a private Christian university which started in May 2012.

 As a Christian university, ZEGU creates a rare opportunity for the development of minds, hearts and hands in the fear of God.

 In its endeavour to develop a total person who can bring solutions to the world, ZEGU has an academic thrust of entrepreneurial development. A moot court    is a co-curricular activity at many law schools.

  Participants take part in simulated court or arbitration proceedings, usually involving drafting memorials or memoranda and participating in oral argument.

  In many countries, the phrase "moot court" may be shortened to simply "moot" or "mooting". Participants are either referred to as "mooters" or, less conventionally, "mooties".

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