By Wallace Mawire Medcom Personnel, a healthcare recruitment company specializing in the placement of healthcare professionals, brainchild of a Zimbabwean-born couple and located in the United Kingdom has achieved a milestone attaining seven years of operation. The company was founded by an enterprising couple, William and Irene Mtisi, who are both Zimbabwean nationals who have raised the country’s flag in the diaspora.The couple has also offered numerous employment opportunities for many people from across the world. According to William Mtisi,the company is now operating in four locations and has now at least 100 staff members.Mtisi also said that the company’s turn-over continues to rise yearly.It is also working with four local authorities in the United kingdom and helping communities through Medcom Foundation Charity Organization mainly in Africa, according to Mtisi. Mtisi said that staff members who have been recruited by the company include various nationalities namely English, Irish, Zimbabweans, Nigerians, Ghanians, South Africans, Zambians, Cameronians,Asian-Indians, Phillipines, Asian-Pakistans including Asian-Bangladesh, just to mention a few. The company also has a training arm under Medcom, Medcom Training Solutions. “At Medcom Personnel we provide the best care professionals who are highly experienced and trained to meet any special health care need be it regular care, respite care, palliative care and disabilities care,”Mtisi said.