Samuel Ouma A new online taxi company, Showfa, was launched in Nairobi on Monday, February 20, 2023. The company was launched by Kenya’s Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria. Unlike other platforms where drivers are required to pay for every trip, the Showfa platform allows them to pay a one-time subscription fee per day. Showfa Business Development Director Dhruv Rajah noted during the launch that their distinctive operation had successfully attracted the drivers' interest. “We feel that if you have a happy driver, a happy rider, the customers will flow because they know that they are giving and also empowering Kenyans for the services,” said Mr. Dhruva. According to Mr. Dhruv, their platform is top-notch, tried, and tested, and it is anticipated to succeed in the Kenyan market and outperform more reputable companies. He described the platform as safer, cheaper and reliable. “This is a service that is commission-free service where the drivers and riders are empowered more, they earn more, we are working to ensure they get more money is saved,” he said. Kuria, on his part, praised the innovative platform and promised to work to have a rule that mandates foreign companies give over at least 30% of their stock to Kenyan citizens by birth repealed. “We have got this part in our statute that requires international companies to have thirty per cent local ownership if you’re to set up some of the operations like data centres. Ladies and gentlemen those laws are outdated,” said Kuria.