Pan African Visions

More pain for Kenyans as fuel prices increase

March 15, 2022

By Samuel Ouma Following the price hike, Kenyans will have to dig even deeper into their budgets to buy petroleum products. According to the most recent review by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA), the price of petrol and diesel will rise by ksh5.00 per litre, except for kerosene, which will remain steady. Super Petrol will now cost ksh.134.72 a litre, diesel will cost ksh.115.60, and kerosene will cost ksh.103.54. “In accordance with Section 101(y) of the Petroleum Act 2019, Legal Notice No.196 of 2010 and Legal Notice No. 26 of 2012, EPRA Kenya has calculated the maximum retail prices of petroleum products which will be in force from 15th March to 14th April 2022. “In the period under review, the pump prices of Super Petrol and Diesel increase by Ksh 5.00 per litre respectively while that of kerosene remains unchanged,” read portion of a statement released by EPRA. The newly announced prices follow the implementation of a Ksh20 subsidy on the products by the government. Kenyans would have paid an average of Ksh.155.11 per litre for petrol, Ksh.143.16 for diesel, and Ksh.130.44 for kerosene if the subsidy had not been used in part. Increases in import crude oil rates, according to EPRA, are to blame for the rise. The changes will be in force from 15th March to 14th April 2022. The rise in fuel prices could increase further food prices, plunging Kenyans to more miseries. In the recent past, Kenyans have called on the government to cut food costs, which have risen to a somewhat higher level. Many people are said to be going through hunger due to lack of food occasioned by a decline in economy.

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