Pan African Visions
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UN committed to work with Zimbabwe on initiatives to build and maintain peace

September 12, 2021

By Wallace Mawire

Maria Ribeiro

United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator for Zimbabwe Ms Maria
Ribeiro has reported that international body remains committed to
working closely with the people of Zimbabwe and the country´s
authorities in support of initiatives aimed at building and
maintaining peace.
  Ms Ribeiro made the remarks at a recent interface with the
Parliamentary Committee on Peace and Security. The virtual event was
held on 10 September, 2021 as a prelude to the commemoration of the
International Day of Peace which is annually marked on 21 September
 “It is my pleasure to join you and share some reflections and remarks
with you and dialogue with the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on
Peace and Security.As you know, the UN Charter adopted almost 76 years
ago, has essential element on Peace. The very first Article of the UN
Charter reminds us that the United Nations was formed to maintain
peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, and
to promote social progress, better living standards and human rights,”
she said.

  She also said that it is  often thought   the UN´s mandate on peace
as being peacekeeping, conflict resolution, the opposite to conflict
and the end of war.

  Ribeiro said that  peace is more than that and  is creating the
enabling environment for all to build sustainable livelihoods and
social dynamics that promote human rights, equity, economic, social
and political opportunities for all.
  She said that peace is nurtured and precious and needs the buy in of
all, hence the Secretary General´s Agenda on Prevention and the peace
and human right dimensions in the SDGs and Agenda 2030.

Under the 2030 Agenda, UN Member States committed to “promote peaceful
and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to
justice for all and build effective, inclusive and accountable
institutions at all levels”

The global theme for this years’ International Day of Peace is
Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world.

The theme focuses on the impact of COVID-19. It highlights the need
for nations and communities to think creatively and collectively about
how to build forward better from COVID-19 and how to build resilience
and create a more just, equitable, inclusive, sustainable, and
healthier Zimbabwe and the world.

  It is reported that COVID-19 remains a threat at all levels of
society to peace and security.
 “We have seen that there has been an increase in violence within
homes and communities.There is an increase also in discrimination,
hate speech, and misinformation.Confronting this Global Pandemic
should serve as a reminder that in order to be able to recover, we
must make peace and co-existence with one another a central priority,”
Ms Ribeiro said.

 She also invited the chair and  members of the peace and security
parliamentarian portfolio, to  join the UN Secretary General’s global
campaign called #OnlyTogether.

 “It is #OnlyTogether, through genuine solidarity and partnership,
that we can overcome the pandemic and achieve the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development,” she said.

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