By Boris Esono Nwenfor
Apart from the tremendous improvement in the quality and quantity of films told in Cameroon in particular and Africa at large, there is still a lapse when it comes to the marketing of these films in Cameroon. Most Cameroonians are yet to be exposed to the many films being produced year in year out in Cameroon.
It is for this reason that is created. has as its objectives to see into it that the Cameroonian population has access to the many films that are being produced in Cameroon at a minimal cost and in a very convenient way.
Launched on January 20, 2021, DAVLINKS comes in as a movie distribution platform, where Cameroonians can pay and watch top-class Cameroonian films produced in Cameroon by Cameroonian filmmakers.
It is a project of a group of Cameroonians headed by former Biggy237 Housemate and Movie Producer Achiri Victor. It is geared towards solving the problem of movie consumption in Cameroon.
"We call on the entire Cameroonian audience and lovers of Cameroonian culture to rally behind this project to get this particular problem of distribution solved. We can only initiate the idea, but with your help, we can make it big," a communiqué from DAVLINKS noted.
In the past years in Cameroon, entertainment has been growing at a geometric rate. Filmmaking is one of those facets have gotten a greater share of its growth to, from way back film making in Cameroon has been witnessing remarkable progress in terms of passing the intended message to the audience, better cameras and other filming equipment’s are now used to enhance viewing. Quality is one of the most remarkable areas of growth in the filming profession coupled with professional modes of filming.
How to stream or download movies on DAVLINKS
Go to DAVlinks website (; scroll to the preferred movie; select stream (25-XAF) or download (1000XAF) as preferred; select payment method (MTN/ORANGE Mobile Money or Master Card); process transactions; All set, relax and enjoy. These services are also available to the international community.
There is nothing we focus more on as a company than the quality of our services, customer happiness and the ease with which we allow our clients to access our services. If you ever have any suggestions on how we can improve, please feel free to let us know!
We seek to be the benchmark for Cameroonian movie distributions and exposure of Cameroonian movies to its natives and the world at large and also to Bring filmmakers and movie lovers together with a vision to reach 5 million subscribers in five years.