Pan African Visions

#Avoid #becoming #unemployable!

April 05, 2020

As recruiters, my associates and I see daily plenty of CVs or LinkedIn profiles for people who have somehow become unemployable…. People who even though they are educated and experience, no employer will ‘want to touch’ them.

I know that I have a way of saying things that might appear harsh or too candid, but I

do #carehashtag#Please #please the truth is that #no_one #will #hire you #if you:
1. Have #bad #hygiene
2. Are #asocial and/or have a #bad #attitude
3. Have #not #learned #anything during the #past few #years
#Start #taking #MOOCs
4. Are #disinterested in the #interview
5. Are a #job_hopper
6. Are ‘ #invisible’ on LinkedIn and/or your #profile is not great
7.  #Bad #CV, #Bad #CL, #bad #English too!!
8. #Bad #communication skills
9. #Send out the same #non_customized #CV for every job
10. Are #refusing to #acknowledge #your #market_worth or you are #greedy
( just last week some got upset when we told her that her market value was 800 cedis instead of 1500-1800 that she was told)
11. #Show #no #career #progression… e.g. you have 3-4 jobs and all were junior administrative assistant or you are past 30 and have no team leadership responsibilities
12. Are #solely #focusing/ #emphasizing #what #you_want rather than what you can bring to an organization
13. Are #not #aware of #your #value as an employee
14.  Continue to go to interviews #unprepared and ask #shallow questions
15. Have been already #chronically #employed -in Ghana that is 2+yrs
You can remedy that if you find a great NGO to #volunteer

Irene Gloria Addison,
Author: Irene Gloria Addison

Irene Gloria Addison is the owner of HIREghana, a Leader Ghanaian Recruitment Agency and also a boutique/ niche HRM Consultancy, based in Accra. Irene is also busy with her CMI Master’s Course in Leadership Coaching and Mentoring.

HIREghana can be reached at +233 50 228 5155 or +233 266 555 907 – Our website is

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Irene welcomes your feedback/ comments/ remarks/ suggestions via your email message to Press {at} HIREgh . com.

The post #Avoid #becoming #unemployable! appeared first on Ghana Talks Business.

Ghana Talks Business

Source : African Media Agency (AMA)

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