Pan African Visions

Catholic Church against tetanus vaccine despite joint laboratory test

November 21, 2014

His Eminence John Cardinal Njue His Eminence John Cardinal Njue[/caption] Whilst the government has resolved to a joint tetanus laboratory test by the government and the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has remained defiant. It insists it will not pull out from its stand against the tetanus vaccine. It claims makes women infertile. The head of the church in Kenya, John Cardinal Njue, asked women in the country to keep away from the vaccine. “Why is it that men are not being vaccinated and it’s women between the ages of 14 and 49 targeted for the same?” Cardinal Njue asked while addressing a funds-raiser presided over by President Uhuru Kenyatta in Kisii County for a local Catholic Diocese. The cardinal held the church had conducted thorough investigations regarding the vaccine. And found that it was actually harmful to women. He spoke days after the parliamentary Committee on Health ordered a a joint tetanus laboratory test by the government and the Catholic Church. The committee alluded the test would clear the misunderstanding that has characterized the vaccination. “We too are at loss about who to believe since both sides have tabled conflicting results,” committee vice- chairman Robert Pukose confirms. The government has presented the results of the tests conducted at the Kenya Medical Research Institute which give the vaccine a clean bill of health. Yet the Catholic Church has maintained that the tetanus jab is laced with a substance that is meant to lower women’s fertility. It adds its multiple-laboratory tests have shown that the jab has a dangerous substance to a woman’s fertility Cardinal Njue claimed that certain ‘powers’ with a hidden agenda were behind the vaccine campaign.]]>

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